On a non-Ebay related Internet foray, my mom (hi mom!) came across
this review of
Upon Arrival by Erin Lynn Marsh and sent it to me. Erin calls the book "pleasingly anomalous", which thrills me, for I imagine the crew of the
Enterprise analyzing it with their long range sensors.
I have been receiving literary RICHES recently, and I'd like to share my good fortune with you.
First off, my latest issue of
swerve landed in my mailbox. If you don't subscribe to this beautiful, handcrafted literary magazine, you are missing out. Issue 16 features Kate Hall, Chris Hosea, Juliet Patterson, and Lynn Xu.
Then I received my set of Octopus 8
Then I was able to have the inimitable Ms. Terri Ford autograph my copy of
Hams Beneath the Firmament.
And I have a replacement copy of Stephen Burt's
Popular Music PLUS a copy of the awesome
Shot Clocks, poems and an essay for the WNBA.
All's I want for anymore is some
advice from the narwhal, which problem should be remedied any second now!
With all this amazing work for inspiration, I will be wildly disappointed with myself if I can't crank a poem out today. Life has been large lately, and my regular writing schedule has had to take backseat, but today is mine MINE MIIIIIINE!
Please wish me luck.
p.s. If you recall my
embarrassing obsession of a couple weeks back, I should tell you that I have settled down somewhat. However, I did place a widget at the bottom of this blog so I can display my lack of authority with a bit of a cocky swagger.