1. I had a birthday. Here:

is the birthday paella that I shared with some friends.
2. P and I went to this exhibit.
3. We missed this Frida Kahlo exhibit, so we saw
4. Juno instead. And, I don't know what everybody was talking about it being so cute; I mean, it was of course, but it also fundamentally messed me up for the rest of the night. On top of which mess I was in, I also had to worry about this: if I am the only one I know of who was fundamentally messed up by it, does that mean that on the great depth continuum of films...wherein someone like Herzog or a harrowing documentarian are on one end, and, say, the American Pie genre is on the other, am I only Fox Searchlights deep?
It doesn't matter. And I'm not. But I put myself through the ringer about it for a good chunk of a night.
5. Decided I couldn't live without this CD anymore. Here's a little clip:
6. Took A:
to Seattle:
to visit friends:
and look at food:
since he's considering chef-hood. It was a fantastic trip. Short yet fantastic. We were power tourists. Experience Music Project, Sci-Fi Museum, Aquarium, Pike Street Market, Space Needle, and so on. We did it.
Thus concludes the highlights of my show and tell post...