Well, technically the joint tour is over at this point. Rauan's back to Chicago to head to St. Louis the next day, and I am back to Chicago to hang out for a couple days. My chronology may be off, but here are some highlights:

A and K and I went on a super touristy speedboat ride at Navy Pier called the
Seadog Extreme!!! I thought it was going to be perhaps excruciating, but once we got past the no-wake area and the nineteen year old captain blasted
Welcome to the Jungle, cranked the motor to 40 knots and started whipping shitties in Lake Michigan, well, everything was ridiculously all right to me. (I think they said 40 knots. I am just tossing that term around. Also, I do not know a less offensive term for spinning a vehicle around really fast. I am open to suggestion.)

One morning I went to the zoo with J and M. Oh man! I liked monkeys before, but now that I have spent time with the world's most serious monkey enthusiast, I LOVE them.

I forget what this guy is called. He's like a megabunny.

This is Solomon and Lucille. I feel I can use their real names and it won't threaten their blogger privacy.

Blondie was playing at the zoo that evening, but instead, Kate and I went to see
House of Brunettes!

Here's the view from the bar at the top of the Hancock building. It was packed up there; we didn't stay.

I went through a couple emergency comfort moments. Luckily, we had decided to hit the Red Apple for dinner one evening so we could restore ourselves on some pierogi and sweet and sour cabbage. ...Okay, and some sausage. I am fairly nearly vegetarian in my day-to-day life, but I admit another name for our tour could have been the Carnivorous Pole Tour.

One day this woman will teach me to shop.

But in the mean time, I shop for geegaws and chachkis. There is nothing I require more than a trip through a junk shop when my mind is on overload. Something about sorting the endless detritus is so calming to me.