Saturday, November 11, 2006

Queen-We Are The Champion

There was once a time when I had a relationship with Queen music! This was everyone's elementary softball victory song. In fourth grade we had orange jerseys and were Orange Crush, and in fifth grade we had blue jerseys and were the Bluejays, which name I picked, foreshadowing my bird fetish.

I would like to dedicate this video to my great grad school pal Elvis, Gbanabom Hallowell, in celebration of another new book for him.


Anonymous said...

I came upon this site in my wild dive on the net. Paula, you make me proud that you could dedicate your video to me.

Thank you also for mentioning my new book of poems, MY IMMIGRANT BLOOD. Vermont on my mind. May you live to write and write!

Gbanabom Hallowell

Anonymous said...

I concur, the video is befitting of you, E. Enormous congrats on the book.

p, I worry and worry that you are trapped in a stadium somewhere, eating peanuts off the ground and pissing off the balcony.